Responsible Business Conduct Committee

Screenshot 2023-11-22 121837


Paul Noll





Laura Chapman Rubbo

The Walt Disney Company

(United States)


Secretariat Lead

Jacobo Ramos Folch

Policy Manager


Pascal Belmin




Soichiro Sakuma

NS Solutions Corporation



Clifford Sosnow

Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP


  • 01.

    Why OECD Work on Responsible Business Conduct Policy Matters

    With its Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the OECD hosts the most comprehensive, government-backed, multilaterally agreed standard for responsible business conduct (RBC). The Guidelines cover all major areas of business ethics and are supported by a unique implementation mechanism of National Contact Points. They are further complemented with practical guidance on the due diligence expectations established in the Guidelines. The OECD is also shaping RBC policies around the world through its annual Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct and dedicated regional programs. 
  • 03.

    How Business Engages with the OECD on Responsible Business Conduct Policy

    Our Responsible Business Conduct Committee works with the OECD to ensure a balanced and effective implementation of the OECD MNE Guidelines based on business realities. Based on our members’ expertise, we inform the OECD about specific challenges companies face in their RBC efforts and contribute to the formulation of OECD RBC policies and guidance documents. Our RBC Committee meets twice per year, convenes additional thematic ad-hoc sessions, and organizes policy events in partnership with the OECD.

  • 02.

    Our 2024 Priorities

    • Promoting a balanced implementation of the revised MNE Guidelines
    • Supporting additional adherence to the MNE Guidelines for a global level playing field
    • Ensuring a well-functioning NCP system
    • Providing inputs to due diligence work, including related to environmental considerations
    • Fostering policy coherence between RBC and development policies
  • 04.

    Our Engagement with OECD Bodies

    • OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct
    • OECD Footwear and Garment Forum
    • OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains
    • OECD Due Diligence Advisory Groups
    • Meeting of National Contact Points for Responsible Business Conduct


11 March 2024

Business at OECD-TUAC-OECD Watch Statement on National Contact Points

29 February 2024

Priorities for the future work of the OECD on Responsible Business Conduct

8 June 2023

Business at OECD (BIAC) Perspective on Revised OECD MNE Guidelines

28 February 2023

Business at OECD Comments - OECD MNE Guidelines Public Consultation

14 February 2023

Business at OECD (BIAC) Contribution to the OECD Ministerial Meeting on Responsible Business Conduct

5 January 2022

Contribution to the public online consultation on the Draft Recommendation on the Role of Government in Promoting Responsible Business Conduct

8 March 2022

Speaking points for the March consultation with the OECD Working Party on RBC

26 April 2022

Business considerations for the April consultation with the OECD Working Party on RBC

20 June 2022

Business considerations for the June OECD RBC meetings - June 2022

13 June 2022

Business considerations on the follow-up to the stocktaking exercise of the OECD MNE Guidelines - June 2022

1 September 2021

Comments for the public consultation on stocktaking of the OECD MNE Guidelines

20 September 2021

Input for the Roadmap for the next decade - Building blocks for realizing UNGPs implementation toward 2030 - September 2021

5 October 2021

IOE, Business at OECD (BIAC) and BusinessEurope position on the Third Revised Draft - October 2021

1 December 2021

Comments on the 2nd draft stocktaking report

1 December 2021

International Investment and Responsible Business Conduct, Anti-Corruption, Corporate Governance Activity Update 2021

21 January 2020

The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

3 March 2020

Joint Statement on pressure against submitters by Business at OECD, TUAC, and OECD Watch - March 2020

17 July 2020

Joint Statement Supporting the Capacity of the NCP in the Current COVID-19 Crisis by Business at OECD, TUAC, and OECDWatch - July 2020

1 December 2020

Comments on the Secretariat paper on the 20th anniversary of the NCP system

13 October 2015

Joint Statement by Business at OECD, TUAC, and OECD Watch - October 2015

9 August 2022

Investment and RBC Update

12 September 2023

Business at OECD Investment and RBC Committee Update