G20 Business engagement
Leaders of the world’s 20 major economies meet annually to tackle global challenges. The Business-20 Dialogue - together with our active involvement - provides the G20 with actionable policy proposals.
Business at OECD acts as a strategic network partner across the B20 and G20 Presidencies. Through this high-impact annual platform, we outline what international collaboration can tangibly do to drive economic growth and societal prosperity.
We are actively supporting the B20 and through our network partnership continue to participate in the Business-20 taskforces and action councils.
Connecting the OECD with the G20 and our business network
Follow our history as we host and connect the G20 with the OECD and leaders of the business community.

Our 1st connector meeting in Sydney

The Turkish G20
Together with the OECD, we hosted a conference of the Business-20 taskforces in Paris on 2 June 2015 with over 250 business and government participants, including OECD Ministers, in attendance.
The Conference featured keynote speeches from then OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria, Business at OECD Secretary General Bernhard Welschke, and TOBB President Rifat Hisarciklioğlu.
Leaders from the six B20 task forces presented their recommendations, followed with feedback from OECD Directors. Participants then engaged in an interactive online voting to prioritize recommendations.
Ali Karami Ruiz moderated the conference, and he emphasized the need for continuity across B20 and G20 presidencies.
We also held a Business Access to Global Value Chains and Financing SMEs conference, which brought together representatives from government, finance, and business.

The Chinese B20

The German B20, showing leadership on global health

The Argentinian B20

The Japanese B20

The Saudi B20
Despite Covid-19 challenges, our partnership with the G20 and Business-20 went further, and we successfully organized our annual platform in a fully virtual format.

The Italian B20
In 2021, we leveraged our hybrid connectivity: we organized our annual platform event featuring the participation of various Italian and G20 Ministers together with business leaders from various corporate sectors. Our Chair Rick Johnston also addressed the G20 and B20 at the B20 Italy in Rome in October 2021.

B20 Indonesia

B20 India
In 2023, B20 India has identified priorities for deliberations under the theme “R.A.I.S.E – Responsible, Accelerated, Innovative, Sustainable, and Equitable Businesses.” The B20 India 2023 activities officially kicked off with the Inception Meeting in January 2023, which our Chair Rick Johnston addressed, and will culminate with the B20 India Summit, which will take place on 25-27 August 2023. Based on our long-standing cooperation with previous B20 Presidencies, we work closely with CII, B20 India Secretariat, to contribute to the success of the B20 India.

B20 Brasil
In 2024, B20 Brasil has identified priorities under the theme "Inclusive Growth for a Sustainable Future". Five pillars will be focused on including: promote inclusive growth and combat hunger, poverty, and inequalities; accelerate a fair net zero transition; increase productivity through innovation; foster resilience of global value chains; and enhance humna capital. We will work closely with CNI, the B20 Brasil Secretariat, to ensure B20 Brasil is a success.