Business at OECD contributes to 2022 OECD Ministerial Council Meeting

Jul 7, 2022 4:08:00 PM

Last month, a high-level Business at OECD delegation actively participated in the 2022 OECD Ministerial Council Meeting chaired by Italy under the theme “The Future We Want: Better Policies for the Next Generation and a Sustainable Transition”.

Opened by Prime Minister Mario Draghi, close to 50 Ministers of finance, economy, foreign affairs, trade and other fields discussed the implications of the war in Ukraine, strengthening pandemic prevention and preparedness, the tax challenges arising from the digitalization of the economy, and the OECD’s future partnership with Africa.

The meeting also featured an exchange among trade representatives on sustainability, and important side events to prepare for next week’s WTO Ministerial Conference in Geneva. The meeting set strategic priorities for the OECD for the coming year, and adopted several key OECD deliverables, which impact business.

Read about the OECD Ministerial and Deliverables here


Our recommendations to OECD Ministers: Defending the rules-based order and international cooperation

Our Chair Rick Johnston led our high-level engagement with the participation of Executive Board members Emma Marcegaglia, Klaus Moosmayer, and Tax Committee Chair Alan McLean.

Building on our Business at OECD Statement to Ministers, we shared our actionable priorities in the context of an increasingly challenging international environment, defending the global rules-based order and international cooperation as a necessary cornerstone for the private sector to ensure global connectivity, foster economic growth and opportunities for all, and transition to a more sustainable future.

Read our full business recommendations to Ministers here

 MCM delegation 2022


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